The hip-hop artist from Toronto, not to be confused with the improper spelling of "mayhem".
did you misspell the word "mayhem" you fucking idiot or did you mean the rap channel causemayham?
by urbandictiongary January 7, 2021
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To dance in a ridiculous fashion until you can’t breathe properly through over-exertion or laughing.

To create mayhem and 'ham it up' on the dancefloor.
Did you see us MayHamming last night, I laughed so much I almost peed myself
by laurab193 May 8, 2011
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When midnight shift workers proceed to go to the bar and getting completly wasted after their shift ends instead of going home and going to sleep.
Charles: Dude tonight has sucked we should totally arrange some mayham-in-the-A.M.
Twon: For sure, this night has been a complete bag of ass.
by nbroo April 19, 2009
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Being a woman parent, fighting, struggling working hard to be the best parent she can be. No matter the frustration, obstacles, and hurdles life throws. She remains a strong, powerful, determined, loving, caring independent protector.
Mother Mayham A female that doesn't give up, does what a parent does. Not letting down their children down
by Mudder Mayham May 20, 2024
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