Max is an awesome person. He loves sports, is the most loyal friend someone could have and is one of the funnest people you have ever met. Hold onto Max, he will be one of the greatest friends you will ever have.
Guy 1: Who’s that guy over there, he looks awesome
Guy 2: Ih that’s Max, he is the greatest person I have ever met
by MacAndCheese358 November 23, 2021
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Absolute force and unit able to take out anything/anyone. Dives head first into anything---you don't want to get in the way of a Max. Caught a body and ended a school rally once.
"You just got maxed." "He just maxed a girl and ended the whole rally."
by Hermen123 May 31, 2019
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1. an unusually attractive male that's living life to the fullest capacity available to the human race. Characteristics include kindness, passion, a high intellectual capacity, understanding jokes sometimes, and being well-endowed. Is known to be worldly and adventurous but also likes a cozy night in with his family. A conscientious and assiduous worker during the day, a lover and giver during the evening, a high-octane booty dancer at night until the sun rises. Considered very rare; known to be pursued by men and women alike, and when discovered in the wild they are typically captured at all costs and kept close until the end of time.
2. short for Maxime: really French guy
Parent: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Overachieving Child: I want to be a Max.
Parent: Impressive choice, but are you sure? Might be easier to become an astronaut.
by biggest_fan_88 December 19, 2021
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Max is always an awesome friend no matter what, he's always nice and will never make you feel bad
I have the best friend ever, his name is Max
by Astro90041 May 29, 2022
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You probably got bored and searched up your name, huh?
Max-“Dude I am so bored.”
Friend-“Just search your name up on Google or something.”
Max-“Sure I’ll just search up my name on Urban Dictionary.”
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