
I'm gonna go home and have a right old fat masty
by Fanboy November 19, 2003
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Verb originating from the noun masturbation. Used as slang in small parts of South-East England such as Harwich. Means the same as wank; jerking it; jacking off etc

wank masturbation jerking off jacking off
Our mate Tango was rustling in the night, I could have sworn he was having a masty so now he's known as Masty Tango
by MastyTango March 10, 2016
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Noun: the act of masturbation

Verb: to masturbate in the absence/or for the replacement of real sex (not to be used by those who are getting the real "nasty" because it's just not fair for them to be both entertaining and gettin' some)
Noun: I love to do the masty

Verb: I got all masty with myself last night and it was niiiiiicccceee....
by Bisco G August 16, 2009
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When someone is musty and nasty at the same time.
Ooh Sarah is musty and oh lord George smells nasty. Why is Sarah masty
by Tyvon January 20, 2020
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I promise I don't masturbate. Bro, you fucking masty!
by KringleKraft November 17, 2015
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A word used by the chronically ill and/or invisible illness community to refer to people who are diagnosed with a mast cell disorder - generally either Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) or mastocytosis. "Mastie" is a cute name to refer to the person diagnosed with the condition. It's shortened for easier usage.
"You have MCAS too? Wow, I've never met another mastie before!"
by VocalContributer October 7, 2019
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A shortened version of Masturbation
by Invaderzim44 March 26, 2010
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