To be suddenly cut off or ghosted by someone (usually a narcissist) who benefitted significantly from your relationship; specifically socially, financially, and/or professionally. Slander and defamation usually follow to justify the dumping. The ultimate betrayal.
"I supported my husband by working 2 jobs while he was in medical school. As soon as he got his MD, he dumped me for a hot nurse."
"Looks like you got markled."
by Pilot Hardy October 14, 2023
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A small town in Indiana home to imbreds hillbillies and white trash. A sinkhole for any human with potential, being drug down by the hopeless around him. A town that leaches off of Huntington, Indiana. . . the only town in Indiana more bottom of the earth than Markle.
(Two people in a car on Interstate 69)

Person 1: Oh look, that water tower is so cute, it's even got a smiley face!

Person 2: Hit the gas! Speed up, that's Markle!

Person 1: Oh shit! I don't wanna get sucked in!
by Jason Clevenger March 27, 2009
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the marklenator
the marklenator saved my group
by Anonymous February 12, 2003
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biracial actress with fake rage about racism after living her life as a white woman, until she was told NO by the British Royal Family who failed to buy into her self indulgent narcissism.
Why are you Meghan Markling?

Youths today must act better than a Meghan Markle.
by Evans E. April 23, 2023
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a verb for ghosting or disposing of people once you have no use or benefit from them any more without any regard to genuine human relationships
She did a Meghan Markle on her friends as soon as she became famous
by Wakanda king September 15, 2022
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A person who refuses to own their own behavior and will blame everything on someone else, most likely a famous estranged relative.
Originates from the envious older estranged half sister of The Duchess of Sussex whose book tanked (because of Meghan) and who was found to be a professional Twitter troll and a founding member of a hate group dedicated to targeting Meghan Markle (claiming hacked over a dozen times without ever offering any proof)
I saw you do it! I heard you say it! What do you mean it wasn’t you? You’re such a Samantha Markle!
by SlicingAnApple January 3, 2023
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