A mandolin is an instrument that sounds really good when played with a banjo. Originally from celtic decent. It has 8 strings and is only a little bit bigger then a violin.
by iwannabeanalcoholic March 26, 2005
She is the true expression of liberation! She's smart and sexy as any before and she is sure to put smile on anyone's face because everyone looks forward to Friday!
Mandolin is my lover.
by Nonshalonster May 3, 2023
Mandolin is a sweet, funny, and beautiful girl. She's very shy but when you get to know her she's an amazing person. She sticks up for her best friends and if she loves you enough I'm sure she'd even die for you. Mandolin is one of the sweetest people you'll come to know. If your lucky enough to meet Mandolin then your sure to have a great friend. :D
by Terry :D August 7, 2011
1." mandy what are you watching there?"
" captain corelli's mandolin"
" you remind me of penelope cruz"
eva- " mandolin? hmm"
2. i enjoy playing my mandolin
" captain corelli's mandolin"
" you remind me of penelope cruz"
eva- " mandolin? hmm"
2. i enjoy playing my mandolin
by mandy November 23, 2003
A girl that doesn’t believe her significant other loves her more than she loves her significant other.
by YvngYao November 14, 2019
Another brilliant expression from France (jouez la mandoline) used to describe female masturbation. Also known as a right good wank.
by Usquebaugh May 14, 2008
Another brilliant expression from France (jouez la mandoline) used to describe female masturbation. Also known as a right good bird wank.
by usquebaugh May 30, 2008