Mamba mentality

To attempt to reach above and beyond expectations no matter the circumstance.

Kobe Bryant being the embodiment of 'Mamba mentality'
Whether it be a play-off run or a training session Kobe always put an infinite amount of effort. That's mamba mentality.

Achilles torn Kobe still went up to take his free throws. That's mamba mentality.

R.I.P Kobe & Gigi.
by J-Mat32 January 29, 2020
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Mamba mentality

Simply striving to be the best version of yourself.
Eg. I wouldn’t have gotten this far without the use of Mamba mentality.
by Calligraphy November 23, 2022
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Mamba Mentality

The mentality which is embodied by NBA legend Kobe Bryant and has defined his career and accolades.

Kobe on the Mamba Mentality:
""If you see me in a fight with a bear, prey for the bear". Ive always loved that quote. Thats "mamba mentality" we don't quit, we don't cower, we don't run. We endure and conquer. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, find the silver lining and get to work with the same belief, same drive and same conviction as ever...Mamba Out."
"If you play Kobe one on one, make sure your scoreboard has the capability to read three digit numbers"
"If Kobe was being sought for tax evasion, pray for the IRS...that's Mamba mentality"
"If you see Kobe flying a plane through a thunderstorm, pray for mother nature"
by KobeSystemInc April 26, 2013
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Mamba Mentality

Kobe Bryant will always Have that Mamba Mentality 🏀💛💜
No Words for da Mamba Mentality 🐍
by RIP Kobe 💜💛💜🏀 January 28, 2020
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Mamba Mentality

Mamba Mentality is the mentality you have when you keep on trying without giving up.
David: Im almost done
Demmoy: Hurry up why you taking so long to cum it kind of hurts
David: I know but I cant quit its Mamba Mentality
by factualball January 29, 2020
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Mamba Mentality

Current: a characteristic attitude of mind or way or way of thinking towards women at large, usually with aggression and without consent;
Dated: a personal philosophy or existential belief characterized by a lack of self awareness and overriding selfishness/inability to pass.
Current: He hit her up in the hotel room, showing her that Mamba Mentality;
Dated: The team scored 112 points on only 7 assists, it's Mama Mentality running rampant among the starters.
by Bob Selvin January 27, 2021
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