Jeppson’s Malört is Chicago’s local beskbrännvin — a style of bitter, wormwood-based, Swedish schnapps.
I had a shot of "Jeppson's Malört" to cure my hangover.
by zakkates January 12, 2014
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The bitter post-fellatio aftertaste that comes from a man who's been drinking too much weird liquor.
Abe is so thoughtful... he always brings me pineapple juice to wash it down when he's been doing shots and knows he's about to give me a hot Malört.
by MaryTodd1818 February 19, 2021
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Getting cock blocked by a person named Matt while already having sex in a jacuzzi
Matt: Hey this is my room!
Max: Matt, go to bed.

Karen: Well fuck if this isn’t worse than hot Malört.
by Unkindestpluto March 31, 2019
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The act of haven taken a shot of Jeppson's Malört, which is considered a form of delicious self-abuse. Especially popular in the Chicagoland area.
Help me I've been Malörted!!
by KiT November 23, 2019
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