Anyone who inadvertently shares a secret. Sounds like a term dating back to the Prohibition era. LLM can also be used in texting.
You silly goose, loose-lipped moron! If it wasn't for that loose-lipped moron, we'd still have a still. One loose-lipped moron spoiled the surprise party.
by Independent Copy Editor August 25, 2011
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1. an expression implying that knowing to much about an activity, situation or person tends to discourage one from involving himself with it, often related to sexual encounters

see also zipless fuck

2. a truism

3. a parody of loose lips sink ships
After Elliott told Devin that Kittyboot's friend from Philly had roast beef curtains, Devin replied, "Buddy, thanks for warning me... loose lips shrink dicks."
by Elliott July 5, 2005
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Do you smell that seafood? Must be from the ocean. No, that's just that slutty broad who's been banging every guy on this boat. Yeah, loose lips stink ships.
by Leopold's Stotch February 22, 2013
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unguarded talk that can be used to do things that you might have known were possible if you told those that weren't suppose to hear it even if they wanted to know it
I didn't know it but my loose lips sinks ships and I had feelings about it but they could be for or against it
by Mr. Tellthe truth parrot July 9, 2010
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