
To eat during the period of time around after lunch and before dinner.
"So we'll go to the mall, and then have Linner."
"Yeah, around 2 in the afternoon."
by Babydoll75 March 6, 2019
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After the soccer game, we went to Arby's for linner.
by MW713 May 16, 2008
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Having Lunch really late which eradicates the need for having Dinner later on.
Oh, you can carry on, I dont feel like having anything, I just had linner.
by Cheetahpapeetah December 19, 2010
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A mix between lunch and dinner.
by mookmarr August 11, 2009
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The meal that is eaten when it's too late for lunch and too early for dinner. It should be substantial enough to last through the evening and therefore make it possible to skip dinner all together.
I'm hungry. I didn't eat lunch at 12 and probably won't eat dinner at 6, so lets have linner at 4.
by annieoakley September 26, 2010
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The meal between lunch and dinner, just as brunch is the meal between breakfast and lunch.
We went on a hot linner date at 3pm.
by Cheeze Monkey August 26, 2003
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Linner is between lunch & dinner, like brunch is between breakfast & lunch.
(It's 15:00) Hey honey, you wanna grab some linner?
by Deewtje May 17, 2009
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