
A Lelo is the funniest girl you will ever meet. She brightens up everyones day in the room because of her stitch like personality. But aside from that she has a MILF that her friends crush on. Because of this people normally become her friend because of her mom.
I can't wait to go to Lelo's house today
I know, wonder what her mom's doing.
by BobywasabiLUV@yourmom.com October 31, 2022
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A man/boy who is a bit confused but has a good heart. He has a lot of pressure on him and holds the world on his shoulders. He has a free spirit but is easily overshadowed by emotions. He gets angry easily but is hard to take seriously sometimes. He can fly through the air and he won't let anyone mess with him. He's respectful and has a beautiful voice. Talented in every way. Sometimes goofy, sometimes conceited, but always sexy.
by babytears February 5, 2010
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Una persona que come tostadas siguido. (Mas de una ves a la semana)
Quiero tostadas para cenar otra vez. Pues que lelo.
by Alchiles April 17, 2019
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a female who thinks she is a gamer but she isn't.
another meaning is a female on Roblox that plays murder mystery 2 and has clothes that have black hair they are called copy and paste female there age is from 7-10
by i hate lelo's 69 October 5, 2020
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coolestt niigaa everr =
fat ass!!
skiiny moothafuuckerrr
big hotteers
totally awesooomeee
her best friends nameee iisss marii!!
boyfriiend namee iss renee roocha pugaa = ajajaja
lelo kiieres ir a mii casa???
by mariichuyiina June 30, 2009
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It’s the problem you have when everything you think is linked to something fucked up.
He likes kids a little too much. He has such a Lelo-Problem
by leftoversandwich March 8, 2022
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Dirty Lelo

Licketty Sticketty, Pound Town Crown
Let me give you the Dirty Lelo
by Dirty Lelo May 20, 2019
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