a word we made up so that we don't feel bad for saying we don't feel like doing the desired action.
person a, "hey! can u paint the fence today?"

person b, "naw, too lazy today."
by $3PPy July 23, 2008
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someone who doesn't feel like doing anything. who just sleeps all day and night. and also doesn't have a life
my sister is so lazy, she's getting fatter and fatter by the day
by May Oo July 11, 2008
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Someone who doesnt get off there butt for anything.
Get your lazy ass up you cant sleep all day alex!
by JDogg February 5, 2003
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lazy - a description of people who drag their feet and/or Dumbasses who say "aks" instead of "ASK!"
Pick up your lazy ass and put one foot in front of the other.

Get off your lazy ass and read a book.
by ki-wee September 15, 2003
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i'm too lazy to write a definition
lazy lazy lazy lazy lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy
by DJSwag October 22, 2018
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He wouldn't help his mom out. That's pretty lazy.
by kwyjibo2011 August 9, 2008
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A man who believes there is much grace in patience and inactivity. A man who would rather do a thing the next day, if not never! One who regards indolence and inertia as an elegant art form, to be cultivated with careful practice over time so that a habit becomes second nature. A symptom that you were born – not with a silver spoon but the whole 24-piece, gilt-edged cutlery set. The lazy man looks down upon labor as an unnecessary device of the humble and the needy to secure the comforts and qualities of life that would enable them to achieve a state of laziness. Since he’s already there, the full circle already come, he pulls out a mirror from under his pillow and gazes starry-eyed into it and says to himself, blushing at his precognition, “god! You’re awesome!”
Martha: “I hope you flushed when you were done?”
Dopey the pet poodle: “ Mama, I was too lazy to tear around the Poplar in circles to look for the flush!”
Martha: “not the Poplar under which Davis, my husband, and your dear departed owner is buried?”
Dopey:” how did you guess, mama?”
by manjeet sg October 15, 2015
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