The process of rising and falling in the political (time/space) hyper speed world.
It only took a (political) TIME LAPSING to see the powerful candidate become a negative meme with no real support.
by Major Thomas Randle March 17, 2019
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A nerd now trying to make his social stand, by becoming a genius slacker. Usually has low self-esteem and is on the course of becoming a Geek. Might very well be fucking himself up further down the road.
"Well, shit, I'm stayin' in AP with an F, so I dunno, man." - Common phrase for a lapsed nerd.
by EchKay-fohrseecksteen February 7, 2012
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Covertly typing on your phone on your lap under a table or desk during a meeting.
They were lapsing through the whole meeting.... how rude!
by lapsinator September 29, 2017
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To become unresponsive due to a total obsession with oldies-singer Pierino Ronald.
It's also possible for someone to "lapse into a Como" from being obsessed with da controversial governor of New York, although in dat case you would have to add a "U" to da person's name.
by QuacksO March 5, 2021
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The amount of time a game (mainly a video game) can be played before you get bored and stop playing it.
Bill-Oh man dude I played CoD6 from 11 pm to 7 am the day after it came out.. what a fun game it was!

Jeff-Yeah, too bad the lapse potential now is about 10 minutes because you're basically doing the same boring shit over and over again for no reason while playing with a bunch of 10 year olds talking in high voices..
by Aristotles59 January 23, 2010
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