Lael is a strong bitch. When she walks in the room everyone stares cause they wanna be just like her. She is pretty and can kick ass. She is smart and caring. She’ll always have your back. She’s a ride or die and she’s super loyal. Lael doesn’t need someone to have her back because she has her own. She’s independent and that makes her who she is. She can be funny, but sometimes she just annoying. It is easy to lose a Lael so try keep her cause you’ll always need a Lael.
When you need an R.O.D, get yourself a Lael.
by Tamia Jacobs March 28, 2018
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A fashion icon with a heart of gold. They can carry amazing conversations while also being pragmatic, courageous, and ever willing to advocate for what's right. They are a (very compact) gift to the world and bring so much love and laughter to those they are close with.
Lael is an amazing friend!
by i'm_trying_here December 31, 2022
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the name of a priest in the bible

can be someones first last or middle name
boy: damn that girl lael is fine
friend: yea she

narrator: and as lael the priest blessed the ceremony the best man barged through the door and said sorry im late
by Ls0383 October 26, 2015
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This girl is some one who love you with her whole heart or hate you. She is a bad bitch and pretty she loves to eat and binge shows. She is pretty and can kick ass. Caring and smart she dose not need you to have her back cause she has her own. She can be funny, but sometimes she just annoying. It is easy to lose a Lael so try keep her cause you’ll always need a Lael. And she is loyal ASF
i need an Lael
by vgujnihugyvngvjmfhgv November 21, 2021
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A smart and hardworking man, very independent and a friend to everyone. Would make a strong leader as caring for others don't seem a stress but often over done. Lael is stubborn but strong willed. Sharp brains is Leal's strong point as he is quick to think of solutions to problems. Dating a Lael means Dating he who would take care of you and pamper you but Lael's always want your loyalty and can be suspicious of your every move done without informing them. Lael is a jealous man, a way to win him is to always apologize when he is mad at you. Respect and attention is his daily bread, ones in love, Lael will be your baby for life.
Girl: I love him so much
Friend: why won't you, he's a Lael.

Ex 2
I want to go meet up with Lael, will be back tomorrow.
by Zhyreal_zeta February 1, 2020
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Beautiful but emotional brown haired girl

She will be there forever she is worth every emotional issue
Love that laele but only for forever
by Life_writer5665 March 31, 2018
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Laele is a girl with brown hair and brown eyes and is really emotional, but gorgeous. She likes to write and can be annoying but u want her in ur life. Likes singing. Sometimes has religious parents. Loves to draw and make friends . Always try’s to be cool but can’t . One of the most amazing people u will meet
I want that girl laele

Woah bro don’t break her heart it would kill her
by Life_writer5665 March 31, 2018
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