A very controversial trend of videos It start with a beginning of the infamous Klasky Csupo intro, where a robot says "Klasky", then interrupted by a text and a voice saying "MORE LIKE (something)" and ends with the intro character saying "Csupo".
The "More like X Csupo videos" trend is one of the abominations that should be removed from the internet
by Ryan900USAYT January 9, 2023
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Something that clickbait youtubers like ali-a, mr top 5, adventure, ect always say at the beginning of a video because they know damn well that tons of kids are gonna be watching, and at least some of them are gonna actually like the video for some reason.
youtuber: like the video and subscribe in the next 5 seconds of this spider will be in your bed tonight!

kids: actually believe it

LIKES: 2.2k DISSLIKES: 908K VIEWS: 382749274902749274902379074902 (all kids btw)
by Questionforgodwhy April 18, 2021
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When you like to watch videos of black men shaking their booty cheeks.
Adolf Hitler: What do you do in your freetime?
Justin bieber: I like watching videos of black men shaking their booty cheeks.
by nigga_whipper July 6, 2024
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