A rather rare disease found in Fortnite players, they all got from mark Houghton.
Jim-dude I think I have ligma

Joe-were you hanging out with mark Houghton too long yah
by Fortnite streamer August 6, 2018
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A complete hoax for Fortnite Twitch Streamers such as Ninja ( popular Fortnite streamer) who have either taken a brake or rest from their daily Fortnite Streams on Twitch. From this Trolls have started this Fake Disese and are making Fans and Followers worried about their favourite Twitch Streamers if they have been harmed or worse in this case Ninjas fans think that he is dead due to this.
"Hey did you here about ligma killing Ninja?!"
" Yes but it is all just made up by some Troll trying to scare his fans, I know this because I watched his stream today"
"Oh ok , it's all just fake news"
by Salty is Shit July 24, 2018
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a serious contagious STD disease that took the lives of many people.
there are different stages of ligma.
in the first stage,the person is most likely unaware of the disease.however,their sex drive will gradually increase with time,tending to drive them into having lustful thoughts.
in the second stage,the person starts to behave in an abnormal manner.while attempting to get hookups,they have a crazy sex drive that would make them want to fuck for hours.
the people they fuck/get fucked by will immediately get infected.
in the last stage,they must be restrained,or they would attempt to strip and hump people in public.
they would die after a week of proceeding into the third stage.
the only form of treatment, sawcon ,would only be able to be used in the first stage.
sawcon is used by injecting an antidote which consists of 5ml of a special liquid into the person's privates.however,the doctor is at risk due to the contagiousness of the disease.the doctor should wear a glove of more than 20cm thick,while gently pressing on the area and injecting it into the clit/balls.
the patient should lie in bed and move around as less as possible for two days,till the antidote spreads completely to the body.the patient will be fed by nurses wearing special suits and masks and will be quarantined in a special room at the lowest floor of the hospital.only authorised staff would be permitted to enter.
random dude one : hey,did you hear about the incident at the park?
random dude two : yeah!i heard that a horde of ligma-diagnosed people had an orgy there!
random dude one : ugh!im never going to the park again!
by jerants October 17, 2018
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