Kylen love sports. Kylen also have a unique way with girls. Kylen is also funny and handsome. If you make him make him mad enough he will go crazy.
by Kanton March 14, 2017
A person who will always hide whats hurting them on the inside and act happy to make everyone else happy.
by thotwithablog January 12, 2019
by Kanton March 14, 2017
A Kylen is a great friend who is quiet at times but he is the best person you will ever meet! He will never let you down and will always make you smile just by looking at him... He will make you laugh 24/7. Kylen is also a cutie but he will focus on his school work before focusing on girls. Kylen is a person that you never want to lose, so keep him and you won't regret it.
by Mel_clay March 20, 2019
Somebody who is too smart for her own good - especially about random things, doesn't like sports except things like dance or gymnastics. Pretty girl, but isn't always confident in her looks.
Have you met that girl who knows really random things?
OH - that's Kylen. :)
Is it spelt like Kylene Wetherell the actress?
Nope - there's no "e" on the end.
OH - that's Kylen. :)
Is it spelt like Kylene Wetherell the actress?
Nope - there's no "e" on the end.
by a1b2c3. July 14, 2009
by enso September 10, 2013
A total douche bag who goes and tells his best friend to kiss you so he has a good excuse to break up with you.
by Bunny_Bridget May 14, 2012