An onomatopoeia refering to a scream. Popularised in Manga and Anime, it is often associated with fangirls who are notorious for high pitched screams that cause permanent ear canal damage to everyone within a 2 mile radius.
"OMG! It's Zac Efron! KYAA!"
by LoopholeTT July 10, 2009
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Not actually a word. It's the sound of a girl screaming.
You want an example? Put a fake spider in your sister's bed.
by D-san September 23, 2003
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Kyaa is a giant stoner, that eats Doritos, plays GTA, and wipes his ass.
"kyaa!?! What the fuck happened to my chips!?"
"they is in my tum tum"
by king crimson April 3, 2014
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A logger that also love to drive every kind of trucks.
Is addicted to beer.
Ein bier bitte!~
by lemure March 31, 2007
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the most hottest ; ya fav hot girl
wussup y’all it’s ya girl Mehki’a (aka kyaa) inna kutt wit it
by geminis bitch February 20, 2023
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