An act of making it known that you have/had mental health disorder. Coming out as someone with mental illness.
I am Kvelling, I had an anxiety disorder for over a year now.

Influencers from all over the world made #Kvelling on social media to encourage those with mental illnesses to come out, accept their mental health disorder, and start their journey to well-being.
by aTruthSeeker May 17, 2020
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(From Yidditch)

Extremely proud.
"I'm just kvelling over Jerry's Bar Mitzvah"
by EuniceLanna March 14, 2007
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To be extraordinarily proud
The parents kvelled over their daughter’s painting.
by AquaFoxNo.1 February 24, 2022
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to be hella excited and/or happy
Peanut: Hey, babygirl. You lookin' fiiiine! Lemme take you out, a'ite?!
Baby: Eeeeeh! Ahhh you're making me kvell!
by Peanut <9&> May 14, 2008
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To be extraordinarily proud
The parents kvelled over their daughter’s knowledge of astrophysics.
by AquaFoxNo.1 March 7, 2022
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To be extraordinarily proud (Yiddish origins)
They kvelled over their daughter painting.
by AquaFoxNo.1 February 24, 2022
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