
A small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on the border of Michigan and Wisconsin. Population of around 6000 people. Lots of deer. Twin city of Iron Mountain.
by Flivver July 25, 2009
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Kingsford is the type of guy every girl would love to have as a friend or even a boyfriend. He is the best husband you could ever want and is so good. He may not be the most handsome guy but is an old soul. He is funny, annoying sometimes and nice.He can sometimes be stingy but not all the time. That's why I fell in love with Kingsford. He is stingy with relationships so if you have a Kingsford in your life then you are one lucky person. Keep him close and don't think to lose him.
My husband, Kingsford is the nicest person I have ever met.
Kingsford is at a meeting with his wife.
by thelovergirl566kingsford December 1, 2019
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Bold King.... to be bold of eveything and also very smart ,care for others....... they are always rich ........
kingsford is very bold in everything the world
by Beauty Flacko July 22, 2019
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The black ash from marijuana in the bottom of a bowl ; which resembles charcoal.

(cash change roach)
As a friend goes to smoke some ash, "don't that's kingsford man!".
by Anchorage 907 September 16, 2009
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(Noun) A derogatory term to describe a black person
(verb) When a black person is being extra black
(Noun) Man look at that fucking kingsford, can you believe he got elected
(verb) How was that last table, they were kingsfording it up. All they wanted was strawberry lemonade and buffalo wings and they didn't tip SHIT
by kingsford jones July 8, 2009
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A run down secondary school whose girls are clapped and are often mistaken for the ogres underneath the bridge. Kingsford also have the biggest population of shitty roadmen and fuckboys in Britain. This is a high danger zone for STDs so stay away at all costs. Year 11s claim they can 'take mans girl' when 'mans girl' has recently been washed up from their bredrins after being contaminated with their many diseases.
- "what's that shit hole called again?"
- "oh yeah! Isn't it Kingsford community school"
by AnonymousUser10101 March 7, 2017
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demi kingsford

A person that moans all the time and is never wrong about everything and always has to have the last say.
She moans all the time, her name must be Demi kingsford
by Hellosmarty February 1, 2016
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