what you eat in scotland when u r totally pished out ur nut and u got the munchies at about 4am
haww neeber fancy a kebab

ayy mann
by sonja March 2, 2004
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anglo-turkish delicacy

consisting of lamb doner, salad, sperm and body odour

but still...it tastes pretty damn good
hey man, did i even ask for mayonaise in my kebab?
by S_d June 28, 2006
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In the same vein as a late night street kebab (kabab, kebob, kabob, etc..) sounds so delicious when you're drunk that you eat one only to wake-up the next morning feeling ill...a kebabe is a chick who you pick-up at night after leaving the bars thinking she's a a good idea...only to be sick the next morning when you wake-up next to her.
Most often used in England, S. Africa or Australia
Guy 1: Bru, I'm hammered, let's grab some kebabes.
Guy 2: Sorry Mate, last time I brought home one of those dolls I woke-up in the morning and thought I fucked a bear...I'll stick to the chicken kebabs.
by -phranc July 29, 2010
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when something is good and bad at the same moment. sort of like sweet and sour. delicious yet shitty. not always great but still gives you raging hard boners.
Davis Manivanh walks into a crowded party

"What's up Niggas?"

Everyone stares and gives him a weird look

"What my niggaz?"

They are all black.

He thinks he may be racist...

"I'm sorry I'm calling you niggers" says Davis with his shit eating grin

The party people yell

then they say

"Nah nigga, you just smell kebab right now"

Davis looks confused.
"What's Kebab?"

Jamal, one of the guys at the party, goes up to Davis slowly....

"Nigga it's when you smell like flowers and baby dookie at the same time. You need a diaper my nigga."

Davis says, "Like an Ethiopian after a long day of being Ethiopian?"

He says

"Yes my niggaer you smell like an onion dipped in honey"

Davis blushes and pulls out his penis

"My dick, it's my dick that smells kebab!"

"All you ladies suck my kebaby dick"

"I'm serious, SUCK THIS KeBABY dick!!!!"

the party ends and Davis leaves with no dick because all the girls love the Kebab.

Everyone loves the kebab.

Niggas love the kebab.
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(n.) Greasy turkish food that, unlike the north american 'taco' does not encourage rapid bowel movement, which in turn results in rapid foot movement to a sanitation area. Favoured by inhabitants of essex, England.
mmm, kebab!
by Gumba Gumba June 2, 2004
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The person in the middle of a spitroast is suspended by two cocks (one in ass and other in mouth) and spun around like a rotisserie style kabab by the pitmaster that brands (with the brand bitch) and torches the "kabab". If insufficient lube is used the skin on the cock is twisted and torn.
"Dude we had a threesum and she gott kebabbed!"
by wonderful john June 11, 2013
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A penis, dick, cock, knob, fleh flute
jade is such a fuckn kebab muncher
by big kebab April 4, 2006
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