One of the most famous pieces written by Gustav Holst (the 4th movement of a seven-movement orchestral suite by Holst)
by *subject name here* January 30, 2008
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A highened sensory experience, transcendentally close to Blissdom.
Squizzy said to Hammy:"I wanna one-way ticket to Jupiter."
by Panty Pants April 15, 2005
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A company that makes music stuff. I don't know about their other instruments, but their trombones suck. Don't get a jupiter trombone, unless you want to really be able to apreciate a half decent trombone. Their other instruments probably suck as much.
I played a jupiter trombone in sixth grade that we rented. In seventh I asked for a yamaha because they looked cooler. The slide is much easier to move and the instrument itself is much lighter. It's still not all that great, but it's good enough for a highschooler. We've continued to rent the same trombone for three years now and some day I'm going to buy it out of slavery, for sentimental value if nothing else, even though I really could use one with an f key.
by Dr. Batido December 25, 2005
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A large planet up in the sky that is often used for aliens to land on and have anal sex.
oh my I i just saw the aliens on Jupiter.
by Jaitlyn2004 April 3, 2018
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Holy shit, that comet just damn near obliterated Jupiter!
by Human July 29, 2003
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