20 definitions by Kikaider

an insult to use on wiggers
"WHITE BOY!!" Christie yelled at the school wigger.
by Kikaider April 3, 2004
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A silent but smelly breeze that comes out of the pussy.
Penny did a long queef on a bus.
by Kikaider June 26, 2003
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They all ate at Krispy Kreme.
by Kikaider June 28, 2003
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A evil bastard that did something wrong. Opposite of angel.
"Mommy, mommy, look at the demon!"
"No, Johnny, that is a bull."
by Kikaider June 28, 2003
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"Shit Paul! We're trapped!" said Katie.
by Kikaider June 28, 2003
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fer means fucker so gayfucker
Johnny: Hey hot stuff!
Jimmie: AHH! GAYFER!
by Kikaider January 2, 2004
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