If your friend/Best friend was born on June 27 make sure you get closer with them, their funny handsome/beautiful and will help you when ever your sad or mad. Go show this person respect
by Mexican Thanos October 17, 2019
The person that was born on this day, They are funny kind and sweet. But if you mess with them they will beat your ass. They would kill for you. They are to the most loyal people in the UNIVERSE!!
Person1:Hey when’s your birthday
Person2: June 27th
Person1:Dude can you beat that guys ass for me?
Person2: Sure thing
Person2: June 27th
Person1:Dude can you beat that guys ass for me?
Person2: Sure thing
by Itsmeloanly May 31, 2020
by beegebeegebeege June 27, 2020
kid: “When father’s day?”
dad: “kids it already passed. Today is June 27th international kids day”
kid: “what’s that?”
dad: “it’s your day”
kid: *screams of joy*
dad: “kids it already passed. Today is June 27th international kids day”
kid: “what’s that?”
dad: “it’s your day”
kid: *screams of joy*
by Age and Ellie June 16, 2019
by Your mom shrek September 11, 2020
National Kiss Ava Day land on June 27th!! This is a day where you can kiss that special person named Ava or even just a hug! Remind them how important they are to you and shower them with love and affection:)
Person 1: Yo it’s June 27th you can finally make a move on Ava!
Person 2: What do you mean?!?
Person 1: It’s National Kiss Ava Day!!
Person 2: What do you mean?!?
Person 1: It’s National Kiss Ava Day!!
by yeah<3 June 17, 2020
by gbs627 January 18, 2020