The most annoying basketball player in the NBA. I would rather look at Whoopi Goldberg's vagina for an hour and 23 minutes while examinating it thoroughly before i would watch Joakim Noah cry about how many non calls he gets. Joakim sucks more than Chasey Lane. Joakims performance on a scale from one to ten ranks about a Rick Moranis...Joakim Noah IS the queef, after a porn star breaks the gang bang record.
Who is the one NBA player you wish did not exist? Joakim Noah! Duh... that dude is rumple fugly!
by Vagstatic Voyage. May 13, 2009
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the biggest asshole to ever play the game of baskeball (with the exception of Isiah Thomas). he is the most irritating player i have ever watched. all he ever does is complain about calls that he thinks were fouls. he has no comprehension of the game and is just annoying. he thinks he is the best, when he isn't even the best on his team. i pray the Bulls will lose, just so i don't have to watch him play.
by NoahHATER!!!!! August 4, 2011
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1)A Singapore idol contestant who sailed through to top 5 without any talent, kicking the bests singers off the coompetition.

2)Noise pollution

3)Signifies the need for ear muffs.

4) Musically disabled person.i.e no musical talents

1) Joakim Gomez is still in the competition despite the judges telling him to allow his voters to make a dignified exit.

2) Mum was screaming again. "Could you please stop that Joakim Gomez!!!"

3) If you do a Joakim again, Ill have to sell you an ear muff!

4) "A Joakim cannot take part in SINGING competition!!" said Tina angrily, while throwing eggs at a wannabe Joakim.
by fujiofujiko August 27, 2006
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There are many "Joakim"s in the world but there is only The Joakim. The legendary Cowboy munk, from the north of stockholm.
"I wish I could be a Joakim"
"Everyone does"
by Gocco April 2, 2019
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That Joakim There Is At Igym Everyday!
by XXXminecraftion October 11, 2018
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