His jokes aren't funny.
His art isn't good.
He's like Fred from the Fred movie only slightly less annoying.
by JaKastrophi April 23, 2021
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lucky your with jak
by April 10, 2022
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Yo, have you seen him, he looks like a total jak.
by ice wallow cum September 8, 2022
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A Jak is a person who will easily simp for anyone including femboys, A Jak is also a asimp that never goes broke and is also a chill simp
by Olliver July 31, 2021
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The coolest dude alive, a true Chad, he always asks Brilee questions about chemistry because he is dumb . :)
Jak need the questions to the chemistry homework...again
by XRaptor267 November 22, 2021
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Jak is a user on discord who n*kes and does skeri haxxorman stuff. He founded HMG and was titled by Carlos: "The Nightmare of Mock Gov"
Oh no! Jak haxxored me!
by Dominion127018 March 19, 2023
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Abbreviation for Jazaka Allah Khayran. Jazāk Allāhu Khayran (جزاك اللهُ خيرًا) is a term used as an Islamic expression of gratitude meaning "May Allah reward you with goodness."
JAK for your effort.
by Lipster_boy February 23, 2019
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