a word created by the tabloids to use instead of using the name Michael Jackson to make every news about him sound bad and sell more copies to fill their buckets with money even if it means destroying other people's reputation and lives
by Yazooop September 12, 2011
by Samuel R Jinks November 23, 2004
Wacko Jacko has done it again.
by Vicky February 8, 2004
by natojoan December 9, 2018
A king dog ( usually dalmatian ), who is a wise boy and owns the McCourt family. Loves to eat chappy and occasionally leftovers.
by jqkisidkwkebd February 4, 2022
Jacko is a popular name for a toy monkey and has a caring heart all girls want to be around him at all time
He is the smallest monkey but has a massive dick.
He is the smallest monkey but has a massive dick.
Jacko I love you
by TeddyBearBoy July 14, 2018