a Normie, NPC, etc. who decided to receive an injection in 2021 for drugs which were still in clinical trials until 2023, for an illness with an over 99.99% survival rate in under-70's.

In lieu of payment for participation in this great experiment, they were satisfied with strong feelings of social validation reinforced by mainstream media outlets, as they signed away all possibility of claiming liability in the case of injury or death (reports of which currently outnumber the cumulative reports of any and all vaccines ever administered for which there is record-keeping available).

This new class of drugs which they took so proudly and boastfully never actually had animal trial participants survive past year 2 or 3 as they eventually succumbed to the effects of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement ( archive.ph/qF31n ) and the typical "fact-check" sites at the time also could not provide any evidence of animal studies lasting more than 1 year in duration.

If jabbies are lucky, they now have a subscription-service immune system they will have to pay off for the rest of their lives to Pfizer/etc. who will sell them some patented anti-bloodclotting or immune support medication which counter-acts the spike protein injection they were initially tricked into taking.
You will die of ADE or bloodclots within 2 - 5 years retard jabbie #Nuremberg2
by yuri_bezmenov October 11, 2021
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The female breasts, those mountainous regions, the water balloons, the puppies fighting under a blanket....booooooobs.
by Jessicka Graham March 31, 2003
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It is the name for a relationship that is dead and no longer alive. Both of the two involved don't like each other but may like each other as friends
I have a Jabbie relationship
by Melody brown June 27, 2017
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An alternative name for a USB drive storage stick.
Sarah: "Hey can I have the photos from last night?"
Jenny: "Sure, I'll put them all on your jabby"
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Is a name for a passionate couple who aren't ashamed to make out in public spaces and in front of their parents. Usually dumb people who think they are intelligent and copy each other in class. Often found in the UK specifically found in norfolk.
Girl 1: ewww there is people making out over there!!

Girl 2: I know! They are such an Jabbie
by Amazing people!!! July 25, 2014
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