Job Blow. A person who's job is to make blow jobs.
In Portuguese: that names person is João Barros (jb)
by antesFosse June 28, 2009
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JB: An extremely fast burst of speed relating to the quickness of Jonathan Berger.
The runners used a jb to try to win the race.l
by Josh December 31, 2005
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Someone who doesn't pay child support and reads a lot of gay porno on a toilet-- that being his throne. The JB stands for jail bait, because a typical King JB gets thrown in jail about fifty times in his life. A King JB is more than just a loser, it's an uber loser.
"Hey, look at that loser."

"That's not a loser, it's a King JB!"
by KruelKorn6 October 10, 2009
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(1)-v. The act of creating, participating in, or spreading a conspiracy theory, especially one which would be found in conservative/right-wing circles;
(2)-adj. Akin to a conspiracy of ridiculous proportions, as would be put forward by the John Birch Society (JBS), Robert Welch's far-right anti-communist society.
Jill: "Did you catch Robert's grandmother yesterday? She was talking like Goldwater had won in '64. I guess LBJ must have hidden all those votes."
Jane: "Girl, she was just JBS-ing!"

David: "Did you hear that lecture on global warming yesterday?"
John: "Dude, global warming is so a government project...don't you know about the weather machine in DC?"
David: "That is so JBS-ing"
by Ryan Mulvey July 12, 2008
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Noun. Person who hates their job and only works there for the money. Plans on quitting once they finding another well paying job. Commonly associated with the company JB Hunt.
We are all JB Cunts here, its built different mindset.
by Gold Grenades March 17, 2021
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a place where Tweak Developers publish their work, and where they get harassed most of the time.
"a really talented developer just left the jailbreak scene."
"yeah, apparently it was because of /r/jb, again."
by a7ay kshmat July 7, 2021
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one who fluffs the cock of someone who is above them in the coparte office
jared is a JB Fluffer at the tankwash to his bosses
by tankerbob August 5, 2009
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