Asian who has eyes so slant he cant see shit. Very Asian. Best teacher. Great at math. Funny af.
Jackie Chu : Herro
John: Do you mean hello?
Jackie Chu : correct me one mo ffuucckking time i eat yo doggy.
by ThatOneFunnyDude December 20, 2018
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Junior: ok I’m going to ask Jackie Chu if the sun is a planet
Jackie Chu: Aww I so Asian, I can’t see a ting.
by Kidswillbekids March 27, 2019
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A SuperMarioLogan character, he has a PhD in calculus (carcurus), is very asian so his eyes are so slant he can't see a thing.
Jackie Chu: Oh, herro (hello) Crass! (class) I'm Jackie.
by yeboydoom April 27, 2018
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