the phrase responded when someone attempts to hit your testicles and fails to do so. generally pronounced in a hispanic accent.
ball-hitter "BALLZZ, DAMN I MISSED"
person whose balls were to be hit "no siir"
by Chevy G March 22, 2005
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A derogatory and insulting term used to demean transwomen and female law enforcement primarily. Or any woman in an authoritative position.
He called that transwomansir”, just to hate on her.
by Yourmomeatsshit October 15, 2020
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A cigarette. (sometimes spelled Cir) I have heard this in various locations in the Midwest, I don't know how far it reaches.
"Cam I bum a sir?"
"Where are my sirs at?"
"Sirs all around!" (this phrase is proclaimed when one person hands all present a sir out of their pack...or occasionally just during a sir break)
by Halley O'Malley May 24, 2007
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Every time I ask somebody for the answer, I get the wrong answer.
Every time I ask somebody for the answer, I get the wrong answer. “Sir, yes, Sir!” (me as I’m saluting)
by Squirrel Rito February 26, 2021
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Refusing to being called sir because you don't think your better than others.
While the trucker was being hassled by a cop that sarcastically addressed him as sir, the offended driver invoked sir-rejection and said, "Don't call ME sir, I work for a living."
by jpg3 April 12, 2014
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