Brother Ishmael

An ethnically, as well as religiously, non-Jewish male who either converts to Judaism or immigrates to Israel in order to prosper socially, as well as economically, by way of social networking and unscrupulous political behavior.

For the female counterpart of this definition, please see “Sister Sarah”.
Rob the Wop: “I did it.”
Douchey Mcgillacutty: “You did what?”
Rob the Wop: “I’m Jewish. I converted.”
Douchey Mcgillacutty: “Why on Earth would you do that?”
Rob the Wop: “In order to further the Zionist cause and gain influential business contacts.”
Douchey Mcgillacutty: “So, do they just let anybody in?”
Rob the Wop: “Fuck no, dude. It’s a tedious process. I had to go in front of this council and prove I am righteous.”
Douchey Mcgillacutty: “You think you’ll fit in?”
Rob the Wop: “Like a glove!”
Douchey Mcgillacutty: “But your last name’s Piccirillo!”
Rob the Wop: “So?”
Douchey Mcgillacutty: “So you’re an obvious Brother Ishmael!”
by Robert Vincent Piccirillo November 16, 2006
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Ishmael Snail

(this is where I would put an example if I had one)
by Hiro Protagonist February 17, 2004
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ishmael bogan

A perferct boy that's funny smart loves to play basketball and also great in bed * wink wink *
by lilbootygal1 February 15, 2016
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Call me Ishmael

Iconic opening line of Herman Melville's book "Moby Dick".
Also a clever phrase used to signal the sighting of fat chick insinuating she is as big as a whale. (i.e. Moby Dick; the white whale)
John: Woah dude, look at that fat chick over there

Jack: Call me Ishmael!
by Captain-Ahab December 23, 2012
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