
Imitation ..

Sincerest form of flattery ..

Nice new motor SB ….

Wow just wow

Nice to see you bright and early this morning …

Imitation … not just the art ..

Inspiration from multi sources
by LetsTalkAboutX January 9, 2023
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Someone who assumes the identity of another, possibly to damage their image.
my definition number 646 - Creed, performed by a 14 year old with no friends who uses gaytalk
by Gumba Gumba April 6, 2004
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Someone that never quit putting the shit you had in your room as a kid in their room as an adult.
The bubbly girl put glow in the dark stars in her room like her brother had as a kid, thinking that she wouldn't end up by herself if she did that. She thought that glow in the dark stars made somebody a likeable person. Imitation was what drove all the other things in her life that money couldn't buy and power couldn't intimidate, it always had been.
by The Original Agahnim October 20, 2021
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Someone who goes around trying to reject people, to show them the pain of rejection they feel everyday.
The imitation got rejected so much of her life that she began to reject other people. She got bullied so much of her life, that she went out and got badass tattoos and tried to bully other people.
by Solid Mantis September 18, 2020
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To imitate is to pretend that you're copying said person you're imitating.
Imitation is a form of copying and pretending to copy.
I'm not copying OR imitating you! Imitate, pshh... I never do that!
by Tsunxmi November 18, 2018
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The Imitator is that very one in a kind, outstanding part of a bunch, who progressively develops an natural born skill to imitate the regular dancers or audience dancers at a disco or club, either each and every member of his close circle. Even long time passed, he/she still is able to reproduce their figures and main movements with a superb accuracy. However, no one can or has the least clue to imitate The Imitator. Hence the moto: It is impossible to imitate The Imitator.

Coined in Ibiza 2020.
The Imitator is that very one in a kind, outstanding part of a bunch, who progressively develops an innate skill to imitate the regular dancers or audience dancers at a disco or club, either each and every member of his close circle. Even long time passed, he/she still is able to reproduce their figures and main movements with a superb accuracy. However, no one can or has the least clue to imitate The Imitator. Hence the moto: “(It is impossible to imitate) The Imitator.”

Coined in Ibiza 2020. Where dance floors have been in close comité and most faces became familiar.
by Jay C Gil November 19, 2020
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The most obviously form of laziness according to Bears Legend Tom Waddle
David Kaplan (imitation)
by TommyWaddleHOF June 7, 2017
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