turi ip ip ip, ip ip ip tsha ik, ip tsha ip ik, eugh eugh isha ip turisha
turi ip ip ip, ip ip ip tsha ik, ip tsha ip ik, eugh eugh isha ip turisha
by AmogusVentImpostorEject June 6, 2022
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A song by the name of Electro-Light - Symbolism. This is a first line of lyrics, and these types of lyrics can be gathered by listening to the song by different perspective (for example Avicii - Levels, aauuughsomtims igongotfeling yeah). Usually used in rap battle memes.
Joe (Electro-Light - Symbolism):
turi ip ip ip
ip ip ip ip tsha ik
ip tura ip ik
eugh eugh isha ik turisha

Mama (Calvin Harris - Summer):
by Notmelol123 June 9, 2022
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The best song of all time and that one song that gets everyone going. Sarcastic lyricism of an NCS (Non-copyright sounds) song: "Symbolism".
Jake: Yo bro what's the best song of all time?
Mike: Turi ip ip ip

Jake: Turi ip ip ip
by Frezzy420 June 5, 2022
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Turi ip ip ip Ip ip ip ip tsha ik Ip tura ip ik Eugh eugh isha ik turisha Turi ip ip ip Ip ip ip ip tsha ik Ip tura ip ik Eugh eugh isha ik turisha Turi ip ip ip Ip ip ip ip tsha ik Ip tura ip ik Eugh eugh isha ik turisha Turi ip ip ip Ip ip ip ip tsha ik Ip tura ip ik Eugh eugh isha ik turisha
guy 1: turi ip ip ip
guy 2: ip ip ip ip tsha ik
by amogusmogus June 9, 2022
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misheard lyrics of the song Symbolism by Electro Light. Turi ip ip ip.
guy 1: hello
guy 2: turi ip ip ip
by amogusmogus June 9, 2022
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I can't survive without this song for 30 minutes.
turi ip ip ip
by Deadboydoor517 May 30, 2022
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This fantastic choice of words are the blessing from the lord or a curse from the devil.
"Hey bro my dad just passed away."
"Turi ip ip ip"
by Lord Banan I July 20, 2022
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