One of the worst names in history - pretty much says that the dude is gonna hump you with his dinck.
1. I gave Jane a mean Humperdincking last night.
2. Jane says she didn't feel your micro Humper Dinck!
by kenshamrock December 4, 2021
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a personality disorder in which the person with the disorder displays grandiose behavior, fake smiles, uncontrollable anger and an aversion to percussive sounds in a consistent tempo and instruments in pitch. Usually the afflicted are also tone deaf, drink heavily and cannot tolerate anyone with a backbone. For some unknown reason women over the age of 65 are vey attracted to the afflicted. No cure has been found to date.
1. Arnie is a Humperdinck
2. George has humperdincked all over the place.
by Davey Bryson April 13, 2011
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Engelbert Humperdinck (born Arnold George Dorsey; 2 May 1936) is a British singer who became famous internationally during the 1960s and 1970s

Famous for his hit songs-

"Release me(And let me love again)"

"There goes my everything"
"The last Waltz",

and much more.

Most people/adolescents never heard of him and his songs.
2. Wha'cha listening to?

1. Im listening to Engelbert Humperdinck.

2. Wtf is that? A sex move?

1. *Face palm
by The Forsaken Wolf Godfather. November 27, 2010
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Another world for anal sex. Can be shortened to: 'Bert, Engelbert, or Humperdinckage, for a more expansive complexity of the word.
ex. 1. Joe came over yesterday, and we Engelbert Humperdincked all night.

ex. 2. Yeah, I 'Berted her like a champ.
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"Mate, I drank so much last night. I am properly Humperdincking right now!
by Humperdincked May 27, 2012
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A thing which just humperdincks.
Man, quit bein' a humperdincker all over my food!
by Mr. Flangus July 16, 2024
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