A beautiful 240 acre campus right outside of New York City. It ranks top in the nation for business, communications, education and liberal arts and sciences offering over 140 majors. It has hosted large events such as the third Presidential Debate, Gubernatorial Debate, and Live at 75 with Trey Songz and Jimmy Fallon. Hofstra is an incredible place to be.
by I<3HU November 8, 2010
by trentlane October 5, 2010
A female attending Hofstra University that is known for wearing short mini-skirts, Ughh boots, small tops and too much make up any time of the day or year. Hofstra Girls usually are anorexically thin but become so thin by use of cocaine. They are prone to sleeping around and nailing most anyone. From Thursday to Sunday night (and most week nights too) they can be found at one of the local bars such as McCeeb's, Bogart's, or the Dizzy Lizard geting wasted so that they the will sleep with anyone. They usually carry hofstra red so use of a condom while scoring this easy easy lay is recommended.
"What's wrong with that girl over there? She looks so sickly, why doesn't she put on less slutty clothes? ... Oh she's a Hofstra Girl? Nevermind then, ugh."
by BooUrns28 March 30, 2005
When you eat hofstra food for more than two days in a row. And at unexpected times you try to fart and it feels wet. you feel like you may have shat yourself but maybe not. upon further inspection you realize that you squirted a little bit out of your asshole. but not enough to leave the cheeks it doesnt get on your boxers but it still sucks.
Hofstra red is not real. The Hofstra Squirt is...for sure
Hofstra red is not real. The Hofstra Squirt is...for sure
"I was taking my final and then i got the Hofstra Squirt and had to sit with a wet asshole until I was finished. By the time i got to wipe it was all crusty and gross"
by hofstra squirt May 20, 2008
A beautiful 240 acre campus right outside of New York City. It ranks top in the nation for business, communications, education and liberal arts and sciences offering over 140 majors. It has hosted large events such as the third Presidential Debate, Gubernatorial Debate, and Live at 75 with Trey Songz and Jimmy Fallon. Hofstra is an incredible place to be.
Kid 1: What is the best campus you have visited when looking for schools?
Kid 2: I liked a lot of them, but Hofstra University was definitely my favorite!
Kid 2: I liked a lot of them, but Hofstra University was definitely my favorite!
by I<3HU November 8, 2010
(a) A private university located in Hempstead, NY.It is located on Long Island and filled with DRAMA.
(b) It is very easy to get booty in Hofstra because girls are easy.
(b) It is very easy to get booty in Hofstra because girls are easy.
by Mookie February 1, 2005
Rich, good looking, preppy, polo wearing, bros. They love fucking pussy, gym, tanning, and getting drunk. Many are known to be players. The frat boys here all drive sports cars and can be seen wearing expensive as clothes. Many are Italian and or irish and have huge cocks. This is a good thing for the majority HOT hofstra girls because they love to lay on their backs and have some bigg COCK enter them.
by catpigcrow June 5, 2014