Man, I been seein' that curly-haired hidden mickey creepin' through the hood again last week, I called the fuzz but nigga done got sparse when he saw the 4-0 roll up.
by Buquisha Mcallister January 24, 2007
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The act of shouting, "Hey, is that Mickey Mouse?" as someone is giving you a blowjob. The person should then turn their head to look, and when they turn back you come in their face.
Janine sure was sore when Bobby pulled a hidden mickey on her.
by Giggle Pid Widde June 1, 2007
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1: A secret blow job
2: when his dick is so small you have to look for it
She gave me a Hidden Mickey behind the bleachers
I was tryna fuck him, but I couldn't find his dick, it was a whole hidden mickey situation.
by daddyduhrell November 28, 2018
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To pull ones under garments up so that it cuts into the scrotum, much like a man-toe. Now with one nut hanging each side, the person now yells 'HIDDENNNN MICKKKAAYYY' causing the receiver to look, and be objected to the sight of the givers dissected scrot.
Person1- "Hey bruh how was your weeken-"

Mum- "Hey Tyrone, when ya gawna clean up yo room?"
Mum- "Son of a bitchh"
by f'r0x June 3, 2010
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