A girl who attracts males with small penises.
Friend 1: Hayley, you really need to invest in a strap-on... These situations happen far too often.
Friend 2: Maybe you should start having sex with guys with big hands...
by SexyOliveTree March 13, 2011
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A shy motherfucker who is homophoic
"why is hayley so homopochic"
by 3racha June 8, 2020
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Another name for slut; originated in Buffalo.
See that girl over there? She's totally a Hayley.
by oceanspray18 September 25, 2010
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A girl who sucks way too much dick.
Guy 1: "I got a blow last night, it was alright."
Guy 2: "Was the girl's name Hayley?"
Guy 1: "Dude how'd you know?"
Guy 2: "They suck a lot of dick."
by Dicksucker_8080803 September 24, 2011
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A gorgeous girl with curly dirty blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes. Hayley is super shy and us a bookworm and Harry Potter nerd, but once you really meet her she is SUPER loud and confident. She thinks the world hates her, but do they really? She has an inner circle of friends that will stick with her forever. Hayley has enemies, and tends to involve herself in drama to help fix the problem. Shes smart, not the smartest but makes a great captain at her school. If you ever have a friend named Hayley, don't let that beautiful girl go. She loves you more than she says.
Guy1: who's that girl reading that Harry Potter book?
Guy2: that's Hayley,she's super pretty and has lots of friends. Don't be mean to her, I swear it's not fun getting in her bad books.
Guy1: yea she seems cool
Girl1: Hayley's my bff, but she's crazy about Poptarts
Guy2: ok let's not eat Poptarts in front of her
by Poptart_loving_sweety March 28, 2019
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Hayley is the type of person ypu always want to be around. When she smiles everyone smiles. She always has your back and is the most loyal and trusting friend you'll ever have. She'll carry your secrets to her grave and give you comfort in hard times. Her laugh is contagious and changes the whole mood of a room.
Hayley is the best.
by Hay hay cray cray November 23, 2021
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She is an idiotic person and nobody likes her.
Person 1: You know Hayley? She sucks
Person 2: Yes She sucks
by Oreos are yum June 5, 2018
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