The worlds best friend that any girl could ask for. Without her, the world would be a much darker place. She is also the worlds best girlfriend and fiance. Everyone who knows her, loves her. And if they don't. It's because they don't understand the complexity of her actions. Or they're just plain idiots. She knows how to have fun and get the job done, she doesn't care what anybody else thinks about her and that's exactly what makes her so fantastical.
Hannah is a God.
by TheReasonForLife January 21, 2012
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Hannah is the epitome of dumb bitch juice. She likes to think shes quirky and “all that”, but realistically, everyone knows shes a piece of shit. She is the worst flirter to ever exist and sends men running for the hills once shes in their sights. Beware of Hannah, or she will tear you to threads with her hideous complexion and nasty nature.
“Dude, there was this girl who came up to me and just started drooling all over herself, and she kept smacking my ass.” —- “Let me guess, it was that girl HANNAH again wasnt it.”
by Bananers McMuffin March 11, 2020
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Hannah is a bitch.
I met a hannah once, we were friends but she eventually just became full bitch.
by Ass_eater101 December 2, 2019
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Whore, hoe, skank, thot, all that. Wants a boyfriend but every guy just wants to hit.
Boy 1: damn that girl is so hot. I wanna fuck her
Boy 2: why don’t u date her?
Boy 1: it’s Hannah

Boy 2: ohhh
by :((:)) November 25, 2019
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A bananh shy girl who is like a mom but she is a perfect friend that listens and tells you what's on her mind.
She like-
Anyways She is so cool I love her with all my cold-hearted heart.
#Hannah #banana
by Catgirrafe November 8, 2020
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