Hammered fuck is the ultimate, supreme state of party time explosiveness. This level of inebriation is the apocalyptic culmination of a night (or string of nights) of hardcore boozing. Hammered fuck is only reached after one has progressed through the following milestones

- hammered ass (beginner; 6-8 drinks, no pre-party),
- hammered shit (novice; 7-10 drinks, mild pre-party) and
- hammered fuck (advanced; 10+ drinks, heavy pre-party)

When one arrives at the hammered fuck stage, there is no turning back, consider it game over.
One fifth Berry/Melon Skyy Vodka, neat.
***Level Up: Hammered Ass Achieved***

Game Time:
(Party Hang 1) - 6 Vodka sodas; 2 SoCo lime shots, chilled
***Level Up: Hammered Shit Achieved***

(Party Hang 2) - 1 Vodka soda; 3 Jaeger shots, chilled; 1 Miller Lite, pre-hydration
***Level Up: Hammered Fuck Achieved***

Post-Hammered Fuck:
- Stumble home
- Mandatory hydration (to avoid early morning chest pounding and cotton-mouth)
- Rinse and repeat
by JaySkillz November 19, 2007
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Fucking Two Girls at once using normal motion, But having a double sided dildo Inserted into your own ass making it possible.
Yeah Man! I totally hammer Fucked her and her friend last night.
by Xiathis February 3, 2011
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Some phrase the inbred Oklahomans like to use to try and be clever by insinuating that someone is really, in fact, a tool.
You're the fucking hammer omfgroflmao
by Mike Masterson January 18, 2004
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The erect penis of a red-haired man (ginger person).
Casey railed the shit out of that chick with his flaming fuck hammer.
by Steve-o and Tim November 11, 2008
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An insult used by an obviously higher individual. Can also used when excited or surprised.
Sergio, you are officially a flying fuck hammer
by crazymotherfucker7777 December 17, 2011
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