SD Gundam(n) 1. a show devoid of anything resembling a plot 2. asinine "chibi" gundams that are in insult to the Gundam series
"This show is such an SD Gundam." or "SD Gundam sucks cow balls."
by MrCookie June 27, 2004
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Someone in the Marine Corps who has way to much gear to the point of a Obsessive Complusion Disorder!

Someone who's CMR list has more than 2 million dollars of gear that doesn't have any practical value.
Man That Cpl smith keeps buying all of this gear that he will never use, is he trying to build a gundam wing in the motorpool or something!!
by SPANKOMAKER January 3, 2009
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Arguably the best thing on Cartoon Network. Ever. It has chibi Gundams, aka Neo-Genesis for you Gundam junkies, about the size of people from many different Gundam series. Although it kicks ass, it suffers from some cornyness.
Zero: "O great Manna, come to me! Bless me the powers of truth and justice!Super magic violent tornado!
by anonymous December 10, 2003
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A show which I really don't like for several reasons:

1. Gundam's being able to take down a hundred or more mobilesuits. Come on? Even Amuro couldn't take down a hundred Zaku II's in his Gundam.

2. Endless Waltz was even worse. A 7 year old girl starting a rebellion?

3. Relena Peacecraft, don't even have to go into why she sucks.

4. Leo mobile suits, why the hell do they look so gay? I loved the standard issue mobile suits in the original Gundam. GM's and Zaku II's were way cool! Leo's don't even have thrusters.

Don't flame me, I just gave reasons from a Gundam fan's prespective.
by Elitist December 24, 2003
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A 10-year old anime series in which every male character is homosexual.
WTF Gundam W is teh yaoi secks
by dj.MaxX January 22, 2005
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One of the best things to hit Cartoon Network's Toonami block in quite a while... they could have used more of the other series' Gundams, though.
SD Gundam runs circles around Totally Spies!
by Shawn B. October 2, 2003
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