
"I'm going to just make a guesstimate of the math answer." - clueless person

"haha thats not a word" - smart person
by harrystylesyayyyyy October 11, 2018
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when you make a guess/estimate at the same time
civilian: guesstimate how many marbles are in here
pedestrian 1: I guess theres about 30
pedestrian 2: I estimate theres about 50
civilian: you're both wrong! its 40.
by A_rh March 6, 2022
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Thats wicked skill after doing and learning so much trash and useless things like scooping ice cream and you become a robot because its so technical and your brain remembers the f its doing.


its when you can say it will happen this way ,because of your past experiences
How many jellybeans in a bag bro?

I dont know,
Let me guesstimate about 64?
by ©ha@sif February 3, 2018
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he guesstimates the amount of jellybeans
by Qball12121 April 27, 2022
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To guess and estimate at the same time.
I guesstimated how long it took me to drive to school.
by Briizy31 April 1, 2019
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Making a reasonable assumption with logic and then just going for it.
I had to read an analogue clock for a quiz so I guesstimated it was 3:30 because it was around halfway and I don't know how to read clocks.
by SteveIsPlatonicallyMarried April 16, 2022
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When you don't know how much it costs so you make a guesstimation.
According to my guesstimation, this toy would cost $30.
Let's guesstimate how much this would cost.
by CoolioV August 25, 2018
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