Another word for: "Grandmother I'd Like to Fuck".

It has a second definition, this is a "Grand" MILF, similar to "Grand Canyon". A GILF is above a MILF in the hierarchy, if she is still beautiful by traditional standards. She is the high priestess in a sea of MILFs.
She's not just a MILF, she's a Grand MILF.

If you're a milf and your kid has a kid, you are now a Grand MILF, regardless of daughter's age.

I hooked up with my friend's Grand MILF once.

by The Continental June 16, 2008
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The rare case of a really hot grandma you'd like to fuck.
"Yo... Stacy's got a Grand Milf!"
by Losti March 22, 2005
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The attractive mother of a Star Wars fanboy.
Mate, did you see Kevin's mum at the cinema when we went to see Star Wars, she's a total Grand Milf Tarkin
by Acl_328 January 19, 2016
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