
Term used by Ghanaians for the inability to enjoy the pleasures of having a sexual partner.
Jeff has been gnashing since school reopened
by Blvckdeity October 12, 2019
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A unit of measurement usually used by the Gaming-Asylum community that scales to around 1.12 tons (2240 pounds)
Oh fuck! that kid weighs like half a Gnash
by olololol1xd December 15, 2018
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To be fast and quick .
Deadly and smooth.
To barrel roll at any given time.
Fast and silent.

It works best for someone who has a lisp!

But it also means to be the person whom you can count on and always be there for you do their very best !
I’m a gnash! I am fasts and quicks!

(Stabs the enemy and disappears into the night !)

Why do you have to be such a gnash ?

(Watching the other person barrel roll around and says “wew!”)
by RYJZ September 19, 2020
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To run away, often due to misconception or misinformation, from someone or something.
Freya: Have you seen Lucy?
Mark: Yeah, she gnashed five minutes ago after she thought the delivery driver was a pedophile.
Freya: Really? Again?
by iownanapiary July 9, 2020
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A weeb with the desire to shnitzel with a human of the same sex
This man is a Gnash
by Trungle April 24, 2018
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You could fall in,her gnash.
by Dv8r007 July 14, 2018
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by Cool guy Zach :) May 21, 2021
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