An absolute god like mad lad that will listen to africa by toto for a whole decade and comments everyday to prove it.
Dude 1:Hey have you seen the comments on totos song africa?

Dude 2: Yea they're all bout this gibs ogden dude! What persistance that dude has, who is he? Jesus?

Perhaps two years from now:

Dude 1: Hey when did you get together with your gf and made it official?

Dude 2: On the 276th day of Gibs Ogden listening to africe by toto for a whole decade
by ConspiracyBlade February 7, 2021
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A phrase commonly used by players of "escape from tarkov" when a update to the game is near.

When an update goes live, the game gets wiped, hence the phrase *gib wipe*

Some players just use the ASCII art:

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ to symbolise gib wipe
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Nikita, gib wipe
by _N3m_ August 15, 2019
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Speaking negatively about other groups of people for only part of the night.
He was okay and only pulled a quarter gib this time.
by jaime jaime August 26, 2006
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So, I was gibbing on this hottie when my girlfriend walked in. Ah snap.
by etrxndy September 10, 2004
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The opposite of Big Chungus. Refers to a person as a Mega Tegga, Mega Retard and Mega Gay
Cmon you Gib Sugnuhc, you made me triggereddddddd.
by Tegga B January 9, 2019
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A derogatory name used to criticize a thoroughly unintelligent worker. Typically a manual worker that does very stupid things.
That dumb yardman was supposed to plant flowers; instead he cut down all the plants. He is such a gib-crane.
by Dr Piggapuss February 6, 2022
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Speaking negatively about other groups of people while drunk for only half of the night.
by jaime jaime August 26, 2006
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