This is your very own guide on getting pussy just follow these simple steps:
1st. Ask your mom for like $20 or more
2nd. get off urban dictionary, and log off
3rd. find your local hooker and say the words "hey hoe how much can i get for a twenty"
4th. enjoy. :)
this teenager got pussy from the guide: How To: Get Pussy
Sad teenager: - "Man I can't get any I tried everything, even yahoo answers"
Me: - " sound desperate, how about my new guide How To: Get Pussy
by kevinonurban July 8, 2011
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Getting so much pussy from such a steady source (or multiple steady sources) with such minimal effort that it appears to simply flow forth like water from a showerhead.
"Hey dude, did you hear about Pedro?"
"Yeah, I heard he keeps hooking up with that hella hot chick down in 301"
"You heard right! He didn't even ask! She just thrust herself at him."
"Damn, that boy be getting pussy out the showerhead"
by FreshZest February 21, 2012
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get no wamen, get no sex
John has not been on a date with a woman for years, not to even mention having sex with one. I'm telling you, he can't get no pussy.
by garfunkleee June 16, 2022
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-Do you know a place where i can to get some pussy ...??

= you to find a sex partner yeah .... wait what ..???
by hell yeah123 November 4, 2017
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A compliment, used when something is exceptionally cool or awesome. Can also be used in the negative to identify something negative.

Origin: The common use of the greeting "Cheers!", when spoken with an English accent, seems to be very attractive to women. Many hook-ups have been cemented through the utterance of "Cheers!". The fact that an accent coupled with a single word could invoke such a strong reaction, is awesome. Therefore, CGP (or Cheers Gets the Pussy) is used when describing something very cool.
Positive: "Dude! That headshot in CS was totally CGP."

Negative: "Uggh, that new Carrot Top movie was un-CGP in every way."
by cRIPticon May 10, 2005
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June 6th is a day, when you can get some pussy, pics of it, feel of it, just say it to your girl and you can do whatever you want with her pussy
Josh:Hey, Emma!
Emma: Hi, what’s up?
Josh:You know what day it is? It’s june 6th, get some pussy day!
by Yolomemer June 6, 2021
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