A term used by girls of the philly suburbs. used when mad at someone. typically show by curving your index finger in a hook shape and going- “hook you”
by godblessfaketan August 1, 2019
Guy:Ayo have you heard of the guy named habebe
Other Guy:Ha ha!! You watch him too! Get hooked on habebe bro!
Other Guy:Ha ha!! You watch him too! Get hooked on habebe bro!
by E88d June 18, 2021
by saverrio governale May 16, 2008
If I were you I'd get myself squared away. In other words: get on the ball, shitbird, before you get the hook.
by barber of seville November 27, 2020
This award is the lowest of the lowest and you know that you did something wrong if this is presented to you in any way shape or form.
by Johnathan NORIEGA March 12, 2022