A short fat 24 year old male. He lives with his parents and has no job or drivers license. Yet he takes pilot lessons and tells girls he is a pilot. His uncle invented the question mark and paper clip. The Mike George claims he has three majors but isn't enrolled in any school.
girl: Hey i like your shoes
M. George: My uncle invented them!
girl: No he didnt you must have mike george syndrome!
by wutangbee October 31, 2010
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George Bush Syndrome, also called GBS, an af flik tion for when you can't speak good and make up words and stuff

"I think ? tide turning ? see, as I remember ? I was raised in the desert, but tides kind of ? it's easy to see a tide turn ? did I say those words?" ?George W. Bush, asked if the tide was turning in Iraq, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2006, that's a George Bush Syndrome

"That's a chapter, the last chapter of the 20th, 20th, the 21st century that most of us would rather forget. The last chapter of the 20th century. This is the first chapter of the 21st century. " ?George W. Bush, on the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000
by Paul and Megan July 13, 2006
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an affliciton for when you can't speak good and make up words and stuff

"I think ? tide turning ? see, as I remember ? I was raised in the desert, but tides kind of ? it's easy to see a tide turn ? did I say those words?" ?George W. Bush, asked if the tide was turning in Iraq, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2006, that's a george bush syndrome

"That's a chapter, the last chapter of the 20th, 20th, the 21st century that most of us would rather forget. The last chapter of the 20th century. This is the first chapter of the 21st century. " ?George W. Bush, on the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000
by Paul S. W. August 8, 2006
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A condition afflicting Facebook users causing them to go overboard in re-posting things to their feed (videos, pictures, memes, etc.). Named for Star Trek star George "Sulu" Takei, whose constant posting of humorous memes has lead to his being hailed as "the funniest guy on Facebook."
"Dude, how much crap do you post to your timeline every day? You need to calm down, it's like you have The George Takei Syndrome!"
by stewbeef August 11, 2012
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A mental condition in which a person blames everyone else for his own failures.
Both Alex Ferguson and Jose Mourinho certainly have the George Costanza syndrome as they blame the referees for every one of their losses. Real Madrid fans have the George Constanza syndrome as they claim UEFA favors Barcelona FC over Real Madrid.
by Zeus is the Lord October 29, 2011
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A situation in which sci-fi movies often sacrifice good-quality acting and a coherent story in order to milk in the special effects
Movies that suffer from George Lucas Syndrome are:

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (Episodes I-III)

Steven Spielberg's Minority Report

Matrix Sequels
by LK47 April 3, 2006
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Someone suffering from this perpetually puts the needs of others before their own, leading to life without fulfillment. Named after James Stewart's character in It's a Wonderful Life.
"Will he ever do anything for himself?"
"Unlikely. He suffers from George Bailey syndrome."
by moviefreakjps December 22, 2013
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