by JAC0B August 21, 2013
Get the Genuis mug.
to act as a channel for devine or aka bad ass information or abilities...root word from Greek of Genus or like Geni as of the god, or gods
a kung fu man who does perfect moves and yet he has never practiced these moves untill first time under ordinary or extream circumstance would be called a genuise...a person who comes up with something perfect that they didnt not know even moments befor...a person who realizes there true and best useage of them selves...
by kharami March 1, 2008
A hot piece of ass. (Pronounced "Geneyi")
by The Sizzurp September 15, 2008
by poohriocartoonfan1 March 6, 2015
by Bush breath January 14, 2021
by Bush breath January 14, 2021