The state of being male or female. This word is commonly confused with the word sex which means the gender you were born with. But states can change and that's called being transgender which does fit under the actual definition though people say it does not. Genderqueer is when you aren't either genders. Not a different one. The only genders are female and male, everything else you hear is called sexual identification which is like genders but it's a broader spectrum of them.
Person 1: Look at that genderqueer idiot and his dumb transgender friend
Me: Why are they idiotic and dumb?
Person 1: Because Male and Female are the only genders
Me: Genderqueer isn't a gender, they never said it was and Transgenders are just people who changed their gender to the other
Person 1:Well, well.... Fuck you *walks away*
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two biological Divisions of humans and animals that normaly can have kids together
what your Gender man or woman
by Normal Man 👨 September 27, 2021
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What your brain says you are, not what's in your pants, for that is sex.
Whoever says sex and gender is the same thing, I'm going to have gender with your mom.
by floridaFargone August 12, 2021
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Transexual youtuber: There is 76 Genders , but probably more than a million.
Every other normal human being: First of all I am going to bring that down to a two, second of all you have had to many smoks of the devils lettuce.
by Heil the feminazis April 25, 2018
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The same meaning as sex. It identifies whether or not a person or animal is male or female. (If the person has a penis their gender AND sex would be male. If the person has a vagina they are a female) It doesn’t matter how you feel about yourself you will always be what you were born with. Find. Other. Ways. To. Be. Unique.
Their gender is male. OR... Their gender is female.
by FeisterClock September 13, 2020
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There are only 2 Genders. people who think there are two are dumb.
Sister: Look! Bisexual
Me: No, they can only be one gender!
by IsayNoCap December 1, 2020
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when a gender reaches it's ultimate form. the final goal of every gender. it is said that a gender of genders gets a mega huge stat boost, and plus 75% chance of critical hits. the typical XXXL PEE-PEE size is expand to become a supreme mega large over nien thousend XXXXXXXXXL colossus PEE-PEE that nearly matches the insuperable size of Phil swifift PEE-PEE
by gendr mastr .com February 22, 2018
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