Gea is an amazing goofball, dork, bean, and a loyal friend, shes the ultimate definition of a perfect friend, sister, daughter, girlfriend or anything for that matter. She will always be there if you need her and will listen to every one of your problems. Despite having a lot of problems to deal with on her own, she'll always find time to make others happy and smile. If you ever betray someone like her or make her feel bad, she always has her friends by her side and won't hesitate to beat you up. Gea is the best person ever!
by ᵎ ʴ ᵒ⊥ November 22, 2019
Gea is a person!!!!!! She is pretty darn sick she’s basically a sexy sloth who is unique as fuck and is basically a god. Everyone is jealous of her! She has a skunk streak in her hair and loooks hella hot. Arts af! Loves her self some anime tho she acts like a normal popular girl!
Gea she’s the hot one...
by Theguruofalltime January 5, 2019
A spell or curse put appon someone to makesure they fulfil their task and dont betray their master. For instance a Geas could be put upon a servant to make sure that they stay loyal or upon a mercenary to make sure they dont double cross their employee.
Faliure to do so will result in the victim being killed in one way or another by the Geas.
Used alot by Celtic Shamans and Norse Guayla (witch doctors). Not used offensively as any magic user able to preform a Geas can easily destroy enemies in a multitude of other ways.
Faliure to do so will result in the victim being killed in one way or another by the Geas.
Used alot by Celtic Shamans and Norse Guayla (witch doctors). Not used offensively as any magic user able to preform a Geas can easily destroy enemies in a multitude of other ways.
by X December 30, 2005
like yes, but cooler, usually said by white people trying to immitate black people, most of the time jokingly. Usually used in combination with the word gea, so you would say gea gea.
jordan (white): yo gangster i heard you got wicked russianly crunk last night
Allan (white): gea gea
Allan (white): gea gea
by Al Denso May 28, 2005
by Hithisisbigdick2 April 12, 2016
While the whole office was finding it difficult to save the file on a computer, Ryan just De Gea'd it.
by MasterMojo January 14, 2019